Program Itinerary

7th August 2018
8.30 am: Registration
9.00 am: Opening
9.15  am: Lecture 1 – Introduction
10.00am: Refreshment
10.15am: Lecture 2 - Zebrafish as Model for Toxicity Measurement
11.20am: Briefing by Danio Assay Laboratories Sdn Bhd
11.30am: Practical 1 - Handling Zebrafish Embryo
1.00 pm: Lunch 
2.30 pm: Practical 2 - LC50 Measurement with Zebrafish Embryo
3.30 pm: Practical 3 - Teratogenicity Measurement
4.30 pm: High Tea


8th August 2018
9.00  am: Lecture 3 - Usage and Regulation Zebrafish in Research
10.00am: Refreshment
10.30am: Practical 4 - Sample Administer via Zebrafish Mouth
1.00 pm: Lunch 
2.00 pm: Practical 5 - Blood Withdrawal Technique from Zebrafish
4.30 pm: High Tea
